Fulfilling election promises

Fulfilling election promises

Creating a successful business environment for the benefit of the local community

04-06 November 2016 in Vogosce, Bosnia and Herzegovina

In cooperation with the Eduardo Frei Foundation and the New Initiatives Centre

Couple of weeks after the local election of Bosnia and Herzegovina the support of newly elected councillors have a huge importance and priority among our trainings. This program was provided for two parallel groups with the same themes and speakers on the upcoming challenges of being a city councillor tackling topical issues, such as local economic development and employment on the one hand, and communication with voters regarding these policies and initiatives on the other hand.

Nico van Buren

EFF trainer (speaker)

In BiH’s local politics, the competences a just elected council member needs to survive and make a difference are to say the least “diverse”. Dealing with major societal challenges in a system that is fraud with self-interest and corruption requires moral backbone, stamina, creativity and a clear political vision. With this training weekend we offer a different view on local politics and the politician which puts ones thinking in a different perspective. Offering an interactive approach and with reflecting on discussions and workshop results we hoped to help participants to grow. What was shared by them gave insight in the topics on which additional training material can be developed to assist in further acquiring necessary competences.

Tarik Dautovic

Bosnia and Herzegovina (participant)

I was elected few months ago as a council member of municipality Old Town in Sarajevo. Those skills that I learned at Young Leaders course and the last communication training organized by RSI helped me a lot to communicate better with people and send messages to our own communities.