After Belarusian Elections

The Way Forward in Cooperation with the Democratic Forces

After Belarusian Elections

25 – 26 November, 2016 in Vilnius, Lithuania

The Robert Schuman Institute (Budapest) in collaboration with Robert Schuman Foundation (Luxembourg) and with the kind support of the EPP Group in the European Parliament organised an event to evaluate the outcome of the Belarusian elections and – based on the needs – set the priorities and possible fields of the future cooperation with the democratic opposition parties.

Key agenda points included altered position of Belarus in the security policy context, strengthening democracy in the country, effective engagement of constituents, cooperation and coalition building with party and non-party actors, formulating common positions of the democratic opposition parties, elements of effective communication as well as working with media.

The event contributed to the successive support of the EPP oriented parties of Belarus by contact building with the EPP Group. Furthermore it stimulated the cooperation of the pro-democratic Belarusian parties of the center-right by joint agenda setting.

The local implementing partner was EDUCATIO Institute for Development and Training, Vilnius.