Rule of Law in Western Balkan countries

Fundament for Prosperity and European Development: The Rule of Law 

29-31 May, 2019 in Sutomore, Montenegro

The Robert Schuman Institute with the support of the Robert Schuman Foundation Luxemburg organized a seminar called “Fundament for Prosperity and European Development: The Rule of Law” provided for 15 young leaders of 10 different EPP affiliated or cooperating parties of Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. The aim of the project was to provide a regional awareness raising and experience exchange for young politicians with a demonstrated record in engaging rule of law and anti-corruption oriented activities, to reflect shared problems and roadmaps to their possible solutions, to support the EU-oriented work of EPP sister parties in the Western Balkan countries by capacity building and also to provide concrete examples and tools for work on rule of law issues.