PUBLIC DEBATE Contemporary V4: economy


Contemporary V4: Economy

Budapest, September 23rd 2019, 17.00-19.00

Venue: HubHub Budapest Co-Working, Kiraly ut 26

Who is invited: general public, experts, students

Stratpol – Strategic Policy Institute (Slovakia), in collaboration with the Robert Schuman Institute (Budapest) and financially supported by International Visegrad Fund are pleased to invite you to the public debate touching upon a variety of topics related to contemporary economics of the Visegrad group countries, such as #sharingeconomics #smartcities; #emergingindustries, #workforcedevelopment #energyissues, #V4 #digitalization, #crossregionalcooperation, among many other.
Edit Inotai, PhD is a Senior Fellow at the Budapest-based think-tank, the Centre for Euro-Atlantic Integration and Democracy in Budapest. She is the regular moderator of the series called Euro-Atlantic/European Café, covering foreign policy and security issues. Ms Inotai also works as the Budapest correspondent of the German Public TV ARD. Before joining CEID, she worked as Foreign Editor of Népszabadság (2010-2014) and as a correspondent in Berlin (2003-2007).
Artur Bobovnický, PhD. is Director, Division of Innovations and International Cooperation, Slovak Innovation and Energy Agency. His areas of expertise include corporate and marketing strategy, international marketing, sales management, IT and telco, travel and tourism, among other. He is the author of numerous marketing publications, and teaches Strategic Management and Global Marketing at the University of Ss. Cyril and Methodius in Trnava, Slovakia.
Martin Reguli is a senior analyst at the F. A. Hayek Foundation, a leading free-market think-tank, focusing primarily on economic, social policy and foreign affairs issues at the domestic and European levels. He is an expert on education policies as well as the digitalization progress in the V4 region. Martin Reguli worked in the legislative chamber and conducted a number of research projects in the area of foreign policy.
Jan Úšela is the editor of Hospodářské Noviny, main economic daily in Czech Republic. He usually covers topics of IT business, telecommunications, shared economy, start-ups or innovative policies of the Czech state. Jan is a holder of Bachelor degree with the Academy of Performing Arts in Prague (screenwriting), and Masters in Political Science with Charles University Prague.

The event is public but registration is required.

Please register until September 22 18:00 on at this link. Registration at the venue starts 17.00 (coffee/refreshments/snacks will be served).

The language of the discussion is English, no interpretation will be provided.


#Visegrad2025 #future #technology #economy #v4


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