How Europe Works


This project basically aims to support the EU-oriented work of EPP sister parties in the Eastern Partnership region by capacity building; To provide practical and ready-to-use knowledge on the structure, functions and policies of the European Union and related institutions via interactive presentations, as well as practical and realistic information on EU partnership; To give participants first-hand information and good insight into the everyday life of the EU when visiting the institutions on site during a Brussels field trip (European Parliament, Commission, Council, Committee of the Regions); To give a specific perspective from the EPP family, including the work at EPP Headquarters and WMCES, as well as political stances that is not part of other value-neutral or academic programs; To promote the professional network of pro-European young people from EaP and provide a preparation for working for European Parliament, and training the further staff and future members of the Parliament. 

How can you participate?

Follow our social media sites or check the webpage where we publish our open calls regularly. Check also the following questions if you are eligible to participate. If the answer is YES to all of them, then you are entitled to apply.

Want to partner up?

Our doors are always open for mutual beneficial cooperation. Contact us. 

What People Say

David SIRUNYAN, Armenia

”HEW series of seminars give us a very well organized understanding on the principles of European institutions, as well as give us  a chance to meet professionals and active politicians and gain very valuable knowledge from them. Also, important to mention, the good networking opportunities this program provides.” 


”The second part of the project was held in Brussels, we visited the European Parliament and European Commission. I would like to thank the RSI which gave me the opportunity to gain practical and theoretical knowledge on topics that would definitely be useful in my future political life”