What People Say

Young Leaders

Alina KHARYSAVA, Belarusian Christian Democracy

“We learned a lot about sustainable future for our countries and tried to create immediately the prototypes of action plans, and also for me it was really interesting to learn more about NGOs and Child and Women protection”

Igor CADELNIC, Republic of Moldova

”we talked a lot about important information for my future career such as youth unemployment, social problems of our national communities” 

Barbara DODA, Democratic Party of Albania

”I came here to learn more about politics, economy, international affairs and how the world is moving but actually what I learned here and I wasn’t expected is that Western Balkans, EaP, Middle Eastern Countries and Africa, we have quite a lot of similarities and we share same problems”

Women and Political Influences

Inna Voloshyna,Ukraine

”You will be surprised how interesting and practical both lectures and cooperation with other students would be! A lot of personal experience that speakers are very open to share is very inspiring and helpful for further development”

Ana Rotaru, Moldova

”We need to engage more and never let that somebody else diverts us from our goals. RSI is the right place to be.”

How Europe Works


”The second part of the project was held in Brussels, we visited the European Parliament and European Commission. I would like to thank the RSI which gave me the opportunity to gain practical and theoretical knowledge on topics that would definitely be useful in my future political life”

David SIRUNYAN, Armenia

”HEW series of seminars give us a very well organized understanding on the principles of European institutions, as well as give us  a chance to meet professionals and active politicians and gain very valuable knowledge from them. Also, important to mention, the good networking opportunities this program provides.”