22-27 January, 2024, Budapest, Hungary

Young Leaders XXX/2: Economic and Social Challenges in Europe

Sponsored by the Eduardo Frei Foundation and the Konrad Adenauer Foundation


We resumed the flagship series of courses with a focus on providing a review of key policy issues and toolkit for young politicians to address them. That means on the one hand a grasp of economic terms and instruments, EU frameworks, welfare systems and the model of social dialogue. On the other hand, the workshops engaged those issues relevant currently and to the young generation, including prevention of brain drain, local development solutions in line with subsidiarity, boosting innovation, creating energy security as well as reformed social services to citizens. Skills training on leadership, management, protocol and debating complemented the learning agenda.

Parties involved: Albania (2): Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) (2); Armenia (1): Republican Party of Armenia (RPA) (1); Belarus (2): Movement for Freedom (MFF) (1), Nasha Party/Robim Razam (1); Georgia (1): United National Movement (UNM) (1); Lebanon (4): Lebanese Kataeb Party (LKP) (2), Lebanese Forces Party (LFP) (2); Moldova (1): Party of Action and Solidarity (PAS) (1); Montenegro (1): Democratic Montenegro (DM) (1); North Macedonia (2): VMRO-DPMNE (2); Serbia (2): Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) (1), Alliance of Vojvodina Hungarians – VMSZ (1); Ukraine (2): European Solidarity (ES) (2)