29 February, 2024, online via Zoom

EU Talks 2024: Towards Empowering Civil Society in the Digital Age

In cooperation with Europäische Akademie Otzenhausen and Asko Europa Stiftung


We have successfully completed the online workshop focusing on external disinformation campaigns affecting the European political landscape, particularly in the context of the upcoming 2024 European elections. We discussed the origins, strategies, and impacts of these campaigns, emphasizing the sophistication of modern disinformation techniques. We also familiarized the European Parliament’s approach to combating disinformation ahead of the elections, examining the nature of disinformation, the EU’s strategic actions, and the importance of maintaining trust and factual accuracy in the online sphere. During the workshop part, the attendees delved into complex and nuanced questions about foreign information campaigns and disinformation, proposed by the experts (acceptability of foreign information campaigns, and ways to efficiently react to disinformation). The discussions underscored a shared understanding of the complexity of addressing foreign information campaigns and disinformation. 

Participants involved: Albania (1): University of Vienna (1); Bosnia and Herzegovina (2): Croatian Democratic Union BIH (HDZ BIH) (2); Lithuania (1): Vytautas Magnus University (1); Montenegro (1): Democratic Montenegro (DM) (1); North Macedonia (4): VMRO-DPMNE (2), 

KAS (1), Center for Legal Research and Analysis (1); Poland (1): University of Silesia (1); Serbia (1): Profession VET Ltd. (1)