04 April, 2024, via ZOOM

USA Elections, Pursued Strategies and Outcomes

In cooperation with the Grassroots Political Consulting LLC

The webinar brought together EPP family members and RSI Alumni Club members to discuss the upcoming presidential elections in the United States, including candidates’ strategies used until election day, possible election outcomes, and various US foreign policy scenarios based on the winning candidate. During the interactive session, participants highlighted the uneven media coverage, how lesser-known candidates received far less media attention compared to the well-known figures, Biden and Trump. Some participants questioned whether Trump’s aggressive campaign tactics were due to social tensions in the US or a strategic move by his public relations team. Participants were interested in how Democrats perceive Biden’s presidency, given his low ratings due to constant media criticism of his politics. They were interested in how US presidential elections impact foreign policy, particularly EU relations, and why NATO’s popularity among US citizens is declining. 

The speaker addressed all questions, and the webinar concluded on a high note with the lively participation of the attendees.

Parties involved: Albania (2): Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) (2); Belarus (1): Movement for Freedom (MFF) (1); Bosnia and Herzegovina (6): Croatian Democratic Union BIH (HDZ BIH) (1), Party of Democratic Action (SDA) (1), Serb Democratic Party (SDS) (2), University of Zenica (1), EDYN BIH (1); Croatia (1): Croatian Democratic Union (HDZ) (1); Lebanon (1): Lebanese Kataeb Party (LKP) (1); Montenegro (1): Bosniak Party Montenegro (BP) (1); North Macedonia (2): VMRO-DPMNE (2); Serbia (1): Political movement “Nis, moj grad” (1); the Netherlands (2): Christian Democratic Appeal (CDA) (1), RSI Alumnus (1); Ukraine (3): European Solidarity (ES) (1), Batkivschyna (BATK) (1), Solidarna Molod (SM) (1).