10 April, 2024, via ZOOM

Activist 2.0: Revolutionizing Grassroots Movements for Real Change

In cooperation with the YayaSoft Software Systems LTD

The webinar brought together campaign management teams, campaign specialists, volunteer coordinators, activists of EPP family members, and members of the RSI Alumni Club to address the theme of “Activist 2.0: Revolutionizing Grassroots Movements for Real Change”. During the interactive session, the speaker covered all the topics participants were interested in, such as: tactics for creating a strong network of active supporters, digital campaigning tools used nowadays that are using online resources for voter engagement, and better and faster communication with party ambassadors and activists, how to inspire young voters and strategies used for connecting with younger generations and promoting voter participation, tools for voter mobilization (apps designed to engage voters such as Victory App and Logi Vote offered by YayaSoft), and why and how to build stronger relationships with voters at the local and regional level.

Participants showed great interest in making technological changes within their parties for campaigning management posing a lot of interesting questions for the speaker related to such an app offered, like: How can we encourage voters to download the app and sign up? Are such apps available on the Google Play store, and how much do memberships cost? Could such applications be used worldwide (even in local elections), and if so, what should be the results of using them? What would supporters/potential supporters do with such an app? What is their incentive to join the app? Or is the app solely for internal use? How to ensure the data protection of the users?

The speaker addressed all questions, and the webinar concluded on a high note with the lively participation of the attendees.

Parties involved: Albania (2): Democratic Party of Albania (DPA) (2); Armenia (1): Grant Thornton CJSC (1); Bosnia and Herzegovina (5): Croatian Democratic Union BIH (HDZ BIH) (2), Party of Democratic Progress (PDP) (2), Serb Democratic Party (SDS) (1); Georgia (1): United National Movement (UNM) (1); Montenegro (1): Bosniak Party Montenegro (BP) (1); Morocco (1): National Rally of Independents (RNI) (1); North Macedonia: VMRO-DPMNE (1); Slovakia (1): Christian Democratic Youth of Slovakia (KDMS) (1); Slovenia: New Slovenia – Christian Democrats party (NSi) (3); the Netherlands (1): RSI Alumnus (1); Ukraine (1): European Solidarity (ES) (1).